Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representatives Darin LaHood (IL-16), Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Adrian Smith (NE-03), and Ami Bera (CA-06)  introduced a bipartisan, bicameral resolution outlining the importance of the U.S. digital economy and the need for greater U.S. leadership on digital trade negotiations with like-minded countries.

The resolution encourages negotiations of strong, forward-looking, and enforceable rules on digital trade and the digital economy with like-minded countries as part of a broader trade and economic strategy to address trade barriers and ensure that the American values of democracy, rule of law, freedom of speech, human and worker rights, privacy, and a free and open internet are at the very core of the digital world and advanced technology. 

Companion legislation was introduced by U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-IN) and Tom Carper (D-DE).

“Digital trade is an engine for economic growth and a vehicle to promote American values and standards around the world,” said Rep. Darin LaHood (IL-16), Co-Chair of the Digital Trade Caucus. “Supporting free and open digital trade policies will support our broader trade and economic strategy, help U.S. industries remain competitive in the global marketplace, and support our national security interests. A robust and proactive digital trade agenda that sets the rules and standards in the evolving digital trade marketplace will strengthen the American economy and our partnerships around the globe.”

“As we navigate the rapidly evolving global digital landscape, the United States must lead the way by being rule makers, not rule takers. Digital trade is an engine of economic growth and directly benefits jobs in Washington state’s agriculture, manufacturing, tech, and other industries,” said Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Co-Chair of the Digital Trade Caucus. “This bipartisan resolution underscores the importance of pursuing digital trade agreements that prioritize American values and interests and promote a level playing field for American businesses.”

“Our trade policy must reflect and reinforce the growth of the digital economy. American companies – and our trade partners – rely on proactive, sound policymaking to seize opportunity in the digital marketplace and plan for the future. With trade, if you are not moving forward you are falling behind. The United States cannot afford to fall behind and cede ground to adversaries who do not share our values, like China. This bipartisan legislation reinforces our commitment to advancing economic prosperity through digital trade, and I thank my colleagues for their work on this resolution,” said Smith, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee.

“The digital economy is the future of our global economy, which is why it’s crucial that the United States lead in shaping the rules that govern this rapidly evolving frontier,” said Representative Ami Bera. “It’s critical that we proactively advance digital trade policies that will ensure workers are treated fairly, consumers’ privacy is protected, and that small businesses have the digital tools they need to succeed in the 21st century. At the same time, we must engage with our like-minded partners to ensure the digital world embodies our democratic values of the rule of law and free speech. Without U.S. leadership and engagement, there is no guarantee that digital trade policies impacting the U.S. will be pro-worker, pro-consumer, or pro-small business.”
