Washington, D.C. – Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-16) released the following statement on President Joe Biden's State of the Union address: 

"Illinoisans are feeling the pain of two years under President Biden and one-party Democrat rule in Washington, with forty-year high inflation, skyrocketing energy costs, a fentanyl crisis from an overrun southern border, and rising violent crime. That's why the American people elected a Republican House Majority to address these kitchen table issues, rein in out-of-control spending, and place a check on the Biden Administration.

"I agree that we can and should work in a bipartisan way on issues including combating growing threats from China and the increasing harm fentanyl and opioids are doing to our communities. However, tonight we heard much of the same failed policies and rhetoric that we've witnessed over the past two years. Instead of shifting blame, President Biden should work to find commonsense solutions with Republicans in Congress to reduce costs, curb inflation, secure our border, and reduce crime." 
