Washington, D.C. – Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18) released the following statement after President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union Address: 

"Tonight, President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union Address and I join with Americans in condemning Vladimir Putin's horrific war on Ukraine. America can and should do more to provide support to the Ukrainian people through lethal aid, weapons support, and humanitarian assistance. I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress and our allies to provide additional support to Ukraine and ensure Putin and his enablers pay for Russia's unjustified and unprovoked attack on a sovereign democracy.

"America faces an increasing number of challenges. We have an economic crisis with inflation surging past wage growth as Democrats double down on their flawed tax and spend 'Build Back Better' agenda. Instead of expanding economic opportunities for American small businesses and workers, Democrats refuse to support a much-needed robust trade agenda and instead have focused on failed domestic priorities. Violent crime is on the rise, with Democrats across the country advocating for soft-on-crime policies. Gas prices are skyrocketing as Democrats push forward Green New Deal policies and refuse to prioritize American energy independence. Open border policies have led to a record number of illegal border crossings and deadly fentanyl continues to flow into our communities. And, President Biden's weak display in the Afghanistan withdrawal has emboldened our adversaries, including Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea.

"Now is the time to show American leadership. President Biden needs to recognize that his policies and agenda have led to the crises our nation faces today. Instead of resetting his agenda to address these challenges, the vision President Biden's outlined tonight is just more of the same - failed policies that have taken our economy and our country backward."
