Washington, D.C. – Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18) released the following statement on the eve of the one year anniversary of Joe Biden's presidency:

"One year of the Joe Biden presidency and one-party Democrat rule in Washington has been a failure for the American people. Under the Biden Administration, out-of-control spending has pushed inflation to record highs and diminished wage growth, workforce shortages continue to plague small businesses, crime rose in cities across the country, and the southern border is less secure.

"On the global stage, President Biden's display of weakness in the Afghanistan withdrawal has emboldened our adversaries. Russia is mobilizing against Ukraine. China is cracking down in Hong Kong and keeping a close watch on Taiwan. Iran is pushing demands in a flawed decision to re-enter JCPOA talks, and bad actors in the Middle East are seeking to return the region to a pre-9/11 safe haven for radical terrorism to grow once again.

"Amid all of these challenges, Democrats continue to push their progressive and reckless "Build Back Better" agenda, which will raise taxes on Illinois families, farmers, workers, and small businesses and only exacerbate the challenges we face.

"Last year, I sat on the west front of the United States Capitol and listened to President Biden deliver his Inaugural address – a speech President Biden used to declare himself a unifying force and a president for all. President Biden and his Administration have missed the mark on those promises, and Americans are waking up to it.

"As I travel Illinois, I hear from residents who want a government that protects their communities, leaders who defend their economic values, and politicians who will put the needs of our kids over union bosses. President Biden has failed in the first year of his presidency and Americans are facing the consequences."
