PEORIA, IL — Congressman Darin LaHood (R-IL) released the following statement on the Paycheck Protection Program.

"The bipartisan Paycheck Protection Program has provided support for workers across Illinois' 18th Congressional District and our state. It has given workers a boost and enabled them to keep getting a paycheck during a global pandemic that has shut the door on Main Street businesses. One week ago, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a one-page bill to extend funding for this important program. Democrats in Congress, at the behest of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, said no and blocked this much-needed funding. 

"Americans are suffering. This morning, funding ran out for the Paycheck Protection Program and Congress must act immediately to replenish this program. Democrats shouldn't stand in the way of paychecks for workers and families. This pandemic calls on us to work together to lift our country up. Politics can wait for another day."

According to the Small Business Administration, Illinois is the fourth highest in the nation for approved loans. Nearly 45,000 loans totaling $12.5 billion have been approved in Illinois.
