PEORIA, IL — Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-18) released the following statement today following the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. A letter sent from Attorney General William Barr to Congress stated that the Special Counsel’s investigation found no evidence of criminal activity on behalf of President Trump or his campaign as it pertained to Russian collusion.

“The conclusion of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation is a complete and total vindication of President Trump on the issue of Russian collusion. Mueller’s report found no evidence of criminal activity or intent on behalf of President Trump or his campaign. Robert Mueller’s investigation included 19 federal prosecutors, issued over 2,800 subpoenas, spent millions of taxpayer money and had an active grand jury. With the report finally completed, it is now time for the Democrats and the country to move on. The American people want us to focus our energy on important legislative issues such as infrastructure funding, international trade, bringing down the cost of prescription drugs and career technical education for our workforce,” stated LaHood.