Washington, D.C. – Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-16) released the following statement after he voted to impeach Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for willfully and systemically refusing to comply with federal immigration laws and breach of the public trust:

"As a former federal prosecutor, I spent time prosecuting immigration cases and returning illegal immigrants who violated the law back to their country of origin. Since taking office, Secretary Mayorkas has failed to enforce the law or take any substantive steps to stop the security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border.

"Under Secretary Mayorkas’ watch, we’ve had over 8 million illegal crossings, 1.7 million known “gotaways,” and dozens of individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist come through our open border. In blue states like Illinois with radical sanctuary city policies, fentanyl abuse has spiked and community resources have been exhausted because of Secretary Mayorkas’ failure to enforce the law.

"While we are compassionate for the many families who seek to come to US for a better life, we must continue to enforce the rule of law and protect our national security. Secretary Mayorkas has systemically refused to comply with federal immigration laws and breached the public’s trust. Therefore, I voted to impeach him."
