Education is paramount to the well-being of America. Few issues have as great an impact on our future generations as access to education—it contributes to our economy’s success in the global marketplace, provides the foundation for the next generation, and instills the values of our society into the minds of our children. In order to have a strong education policy, we must have a competitive and diverse K-12 education system with meaningful options to meet the needs of a diverse population of students and families. I support giving families the freedom to choose the very best education for their children, with access to education including public and private schools, charter schools and homeschools. Every student should have a shot at success, and I will work to protect these opportunities for our families and students.

It is unmistakable that higher education needs reform in America. With the price tag for a college degree continuing to climb, youth are saddled with staggering debt at the outset of their life. Ensuring that students and parents have the resources and flexibility they need to make smart choices about their education based on each individual's unique financial situation is critical. In our rapidly changing world, it is critical that we restore fiscal stability in Washington to ensure that our tremendous debt will not be left to future generations. We must reform the tax code and implement policies that spur our economy to ensure that young Americans continue to have access to a high quality education and high paying jobs. 

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